August 2023 report: News of some former patients, and a recent one, and encouraging progress at Salama |
Many of the Acheru children come from very difficult backgrounds and have a lot to contend with in addition to any physical problems. The staff try to follow up on children after they return home. Some require ongoing treatment, some need psychosocial support to help deal with what they have come through, and in many cases the family may be helped to deal with a child's condition, or with the problems they may have had to face in their community due to their child's disability. When effectively carried out, this community work benefits not only our Acheru patient, but other children who may now be brought forward for help when people see what can be achieved. |
I hope most of you have seen our booklet 'Acheru, the children' showing the difference treatment made to some of our patients. If you haven't seen it, please contact us and we'll post you a copy. The following are updates on some of the children shown in the booklet. |
Daisy, page 31, now 11 years old and continuing her education, couldn't be returned to her family so lives with Margaret at Acheru. The only family connection is maintained through visits to her maternal grandmother. |

Daisy when she was being treated at Acheru |

Daisy |
Esther, page 7, had very limited use of her arms due to severe burns contractures but has continued to show significant improvement. |


Esther |
Namirembe Harriet, page 23, who had her severely deformed hand amputated, is now working in a shop. |

Harriet |
Sheila Nalwaga, page 13, has come a long way since her community believed her to be bewitched because of her severely ulcerated foot. |

Sheila |
Magdalena, page 19, was in so much pain she couldn't attend school but treatment at Acheru enabled her to realise her ambition of training as a tailor and she now earns a living making clothes. |


Magdalena |
A case story of Lwanga Mustafah |
Lwanga Mustafah is a 6 year old boy who was brought to Acheru on 12.03.2020 with a complaint of bow legs. His grandmother reported that they had noticed the deformity when the child had started walking. He was put him on observation until no further change was noticed. He was assessed, examined and diagnosed with bilateral genu varus. |

Lwanga Mustafah |
Mustafah was taken to Corsu hospital on 20.8.2020 where the orthopaedic surgeon assessed and examined him then scheduled for surgery (hemiepiphysiodesis) on 28.08.2020. He was also given medicines. After surgery was done he was then discharged back to Acheru for post-operative care. Mustafah was reviewed by the orthopaedic surgeons in Corsu hospital for follow up and he was put on different medications. |
On 25th September, 2022 there was surgery of the right femur. Hardware removal done on 10th May, 2023 and wound care management continued at Acheru before finally discharging him back home after the wounds had healed. |
Mustafah is now a happy boy with well aligned legs. |

Lwanga Mustafah |
Outreach |
As well as their work at Acheru, some staff members are involved in work through their churches or other organisations and it was encouraging to receive a report from Mwaita Brian, our very enthusiastic Acheru teacher, about his work with G2 Youth Ministries and their gospel outreaches in five different regions in the first six months of this year. |
Salama |
In the aftermath of the fire a number of problems have arisen and I hope to report more fully on this in the next circular. Despite this, good progress has been made with the new building which should not only meet current needs but include provision for future increases in enrolment. |

New dormitory at Salama |