All parts of
this work depend on the help of donors. We are privileged to
have such committed workers in Uganda, with evidence of real
blessing in the work they are doing, but more help is needed if
it is to continue to grow.
You can donate by post to the
address given below (cheques must be made payable to AFRICARE).
Or if you wish to donate to the work of
Africare online you can do so at

Africare is a registered charity,
so donations can benefit from Gift Aid.
You can
download a printable
gift aid form here.
You can also
download a
printable bankers order form here.
To find out more, to have your name
added to our mailing list, or to ask to be notified whenever the
website is updated, contact: |
17 Brackenridge
Co. Antrim
BT38 8FW
N. Ireland |
Tel: 028 9336
2197 |
We guarantee
that all specified donations are used solely as directed with no
deductions whatever for administration.
ACHERU can also be contacted directly by email at