February 2023 report: News of a recent patient, a longer term patient, and an update on the fire at Salama |
Modrick Eastman: Report from Joyce 22 1 2023 |
"What a journey! What a success! Modrick Eastman, his parents and the medical team have a successful journey to share with you today. |
This two year old boy was born with multiple deformities: cleft lip and palate, bilateral tibial agenesia (an embryonic development failure) and undescended testis. |
He had two different successful surgeries at CoRSU, got artificial limbs, and is now able to walk. It is amazing and encouraging to everyone. |
We thank everyone who has contributed to this success. Thanks to our donors, partners, medical team and parents for the job well done. |
It is usually a sad moment when the midwife gives the mother and family a child with such deformities at birth. Through our services at Acheru hope is restored. |
Never give up, support our work today. Many children like him will be helped." |

Modrick Eastman |

Modrick before surgery |

Modrick after surgery |

Modrick at Acheru on his new artificial limbs |
Mubarak: |
This is the latest photo of Mubarak, with our physiotherapist Timothy. It's been a long and difficult road since he was first brought to Acheru, and a number of times he was close to death. |

Mubarak with our physiotherapist Timothy |
His story is summarised on page 39 of the book 'Acheru - the children' (still a few available if you haven't seen it). He is still at Acheru. After all that's happened there is no real prospect of him returning home and while we would like to see him accommodated in a charitable hostel with others of his own age, that can't happen yet. He was looking forward to spending a couple of days with his siblings at Christmas, but his father didn't call for him. He has made a lot of progress but can perhaps best be described as 'fragile' and still depends on the care and attention we can provide. His education has continued under Brian, our Acheru teacher, and the next step now is to have him attend the local primary school. This is almost beside Acheru and we have a good relationship with them. We are addressing some of Mubarak's practical needs and hope he can start soon. The school is close enough for someone to push his wheelchair there in the mornings, and classmates should then be able to wheel him back. He has a lot of ground to make up and his future isn't going to be easy, but for now he seems well settled at Acheru, and has been making friends. |
Salama |
Some progress has been made with plans for Salama. Through the generosity of friends we have been able to assist with some immediate needs, and there's now the possibility of a donor agency building a replacement dormitory if we take responsibility for the preparatory site work and equipping two classrooms as temporary dormitories. Progress is being held up by the delay in receiving a police report, as various legal issues have to be dealt with before work can start. |