2015 - Case History - Namuddu Robinah |
Robinah is a 10
year old girl who was admitted to ACHERU with a painful swollen
left leg. She was born with this condition and as she grew, the
symptoms got worse. After assessment at Acheru she was diagnosed
with Streeters syndrome, sometimes referred to as
constriction ring syndrome on her lower left limb. Following
consultations with the surgeons at CoRSU it was decided that the
only option was to amputate the limb. |
treatment, and following amputation
Once Robinahs
wound was sufficiently healed, she was fitted with a prosthetic
limb in order to make life a little easier. Harriet, our senior
CBR worker carried out a home visit shortly after her
rehabilitation at Acheru was complete. She reported that when
she met Robinah she was in good health and had a pretty smile on
her face. Her mother said that she had been doing significantly
better than before her treatment. Now she can make the journey
to school, attend every day and play with no pain! |
happy with her prosthetic limb
Robinah is so
grateful for all that Acheru has done for her. She says I
am so happy to be walking with no pain and going back to school,
I can play with my friends and I am performing well in class. I
still face some challenges as some people stop me and ask about
my leg or other kids stare at me at school, but my teachers
always make sure that no one gives me trouble by speaking to
them. This gives me a lot of confidence to know they are looking
out for me. Despite that life is so much better and I am so
happy. Thank you Acheru and its donors for all the love you have
shown me. |