March 2012
- Case History - Aper Gilbert |
This boy is
15years old. He is a total orphan and he stays with his
grandmother. |
April 2011
- before extending of his limb, and then July 2011 |
Was admitted on
9/9/2010 when visitors from N Ireland had gone for an outreach
in Gulu. He was picked up on the way back to Acheru because he
was coming from a village in Lira district. |
On admission;
he had anaemia, malnutrition, chronic osteomyellis and a flexion
contracture of the right knee joint. |
The first
surgery was done on 3/10/2010 for removal of the sequestrum and
biopsy. |
His 2nd surgery
was done on 5/1/2011 to remove the sequestrum which had
remained. |
The 3rd surgery
was done on 30/5/2011 where knee arthrodesis with external
fixiator was done to correct the flexion deformity of the right
knee which had resulted from an infection. |
for a compensation shoe were taken; his limb is short by 15cm,
and we lengthen 1mm daily. |
He sees a
miracle in his life, very happy! He will be taken for review on
30/6/2011. |
received 31/07/2011 |
Aper was
admitted to Corsu on 30/05/2011 and X-ray was taken. |
Knee athrodesis
(with external fixater) done on 31/05 2011. |
Analgesia and
antibiotics were given and lengthening of limb started. He was
discharged to ACHERU on 7/06/2011 to continue distraction 1mm
daily and wound dressing. |
Patient was to
be reviewed in two weeks time for clinical radiological control. |
On 22/06/2011,
patient fell off the veranda and fractured the tibia near the
lower pins. |
On 23/06/2011,
he was admitted and X-ray showed periprothetic fracture right
tibia. |
fixater augmentation was done on 24th/06/2011. |
Post surgery |
antibiotics were given and pin dressing done. |
Patient was
discharged to ACHERU to continue with physiotherapy, daily
distraction of 1mm; pin dressing, antibiotics and pain killers
were also given. Patient was taken back to CORSU for change of
lengthener because the previous one had become short. |
The limb
discrepancy was measured and it was 11cm. |
Patient awaits
shoe raise being made from Katalemwa Cheshire home but happy. |